I had taken several loans that I was unable to pay back. With Pranic Healing, I got into a new business partnership that generated a larger income for me so that I was able to pay back loans.
When you have the right Feng Shui, it is like climbing up in an escalator that is going up. Your effort is magnified! Pranic Feng Shui allows you to make your life better..
GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui reveals secrets of Feng Shui that have never been shared with the general public. In addition to knowledge passed down from his Spiritual Teacher, GrandMaster Choa enlisted the help of countless clairvoyants to observe the energies of different directions and formations and how they affect your health, wealth and spirituality.
Some of what you will learn:
Use your hands to scan for prosperity and health giving energies. Feel how the different directions are affecting your finances. You will scan your wallets and checkbooks to validate the teachings. No other Feng Shui course does this!
Scan different objects and room formations to ascertain their energies and how they affect you.
Harness the optimum direction in the workplace to charge your finances and business ventures with Prosperity Energies.
Use the optimum direction in your home for enhancing your relationships.
Accelerate your spiritual development by meditating with the correct direction.
Understand the exact origination points on the compass of Prosperity Energies and Spiritual Energies. These Directional energies are not dependent on one's birthday or calendar.
Use the proper pictures, colors and ornaments to display on your walls. This will create prosperity consciousness for the occupants instantly!
Learn a powerful technique to integrate the Mind and Space to quickly materialize the benefits of Feng Shui. It will affect the way people think and feel in this special space you have created.
Use Special Mirrors to increase the prosperity energies of rooms. Also, learn to use the appropriate mirrors to expel poverty/draining energies. In the experiment, you will feel the prosperity energy of your wallet swell as the correct mirrors are used in the room.
Certain places exude success and abundance energies. With little effort, you can learn to absorb and retain massive amounts of these prosperity energies in your aura on a regular basis.
Learn which directions will activate your higher chakras to facilitate meditation and healing, and which directions will activate your lower chakras for financial abundance - This alone is worth the price of admission!
Learn what direction you should be facing during a business negotiation to optimize your chances of closing the deal and achieving success!
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* Selected courses have pre-requisites and eligibility criteria. Check with our foundation for more details