In April 2008, I had severe pain in my joints and was unable to walk. I got admitted to the hospital in my hometown Calcutta, India and was diagnosed with osteopetriosis. I stayed in the hospital for 18 days; the doctors tried everything they could to help me like giving me injections and a high dosage of various drugs but nothing could give me any relief.

Then, a friend of mine told me about Mrs. Padmini Ramesh in Chennai and pranic / energy healing. What I heard gave me hope and confidence. I decided to fly to Chennai and ask Mrs Ramesh for help. When I told the hospital doctor in charge of my decision to leave, he did not agree and wanted to keep me in the hospital. It took some persuasion to make him change his mind and discharge me.

The day after my discharge from the hospital, I flew to Chennai and went straight to Mrs. Ramesh’s healing center. I could only move with the help of crutches. The moment I entered the center, I felt an enormous relief. When I met Mrs Ramesh she looked like a Goddess in human form to me. Patiently she listened to my explanations about my illness for an hour. When she asked me to go upstairs to the guestroom to take a rest, I was stunned to notice that I could move with one crutch only and without the help of anybody. The first day of my stay at the healing center was just overwhelming and unbelievable: being able to walk with only one crutch was a good sign of hope to me.
I was feeling more and more positive with every hour that passed. The second day was very dramatic and overwhelming as I was able to walk without crutches in the afternoon. Then I decided to reduce the intake of the drugs that the hospital in Calcutta had given me. On day 4 I was only taking my medication once instead of three times a day. I had contacted my doctor back home about reducing the prescribed drugs as I felt better and better each day that passed. He did not believe me - for him, it was almost impossible to report an authentic progress after just 4 days.

I stayed in Chennai at Mrs Ramesh’s center for 6 days in total and got several energy treatments per day. At the end of the 6 days I was walking as I did before osteopetriosis had set in. The healings I got each day made me physically and emotionally much, much better and stronger - I felt on top of the world and very positive. On my return to Calcutta, I visited my doctor who was very surprised seeing me walking without crutches and pain free.

Now, over a year later, I am still fit and healthy and very, very grateful to Mrs Ramesh and her help during my darkest hours. The experience she gave me through her healings has increased my faith in faith and made me also look at life from a different, more positive perspective.
Thank you, Padmini Madam!

Mr Bijoy Dey
Kolkata, India

I had severe cervical spondylitis since March 12, 2009. I underwent several medical treatments under 3 doctors but the pain did not reduce. I also had several tractions but it was of no use. The pain was increasing day by day.

Atma Namaste! Here’s an opportunity for us to pray for and bless those in need as we know the power of prayer. We have started a group that meets online on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 pm. This is open to non pranic healers too who can request for blessings prior to the prayer.

Thank you ma’am for this wonderful group and divine healing. My back pain and leg pains have almost 99% disappeared and I feel sooo much relief. Thank you ma’am and everyone for the divine blessings and healings.

Finally, I decided to try out Pranic Healing about which I had heard so much.

I started pranic healing treatment on 10 April, 2009. Mrs Padmini Ramesh was in charge and gave me healing. After the first treatment, I was 50% better as the pain had reduced significantly.The second session was on April 12 and the pain was reduced to more than 75% - after the treatment I could sleep through the whole night which was brilliant as I had not been able to sleep through the night for more than one month.

The third session on April 13 made me recover 95% - only a little bit of pain was left in my right hand / little finger.

I am so very grateful to Padmini as she has given personal attention to my healing and recovery.

Mr Kamal Jain
Chennai, India

In November 2006 I found myself in deep depths. I had taken several loans which I was unable to pay back. I was very depressed, felt suicidal and devastated about my life. I did not see any chance to get out of this horrible financial mess that I had created and found myself in.

Then, one of my relatives mentioned Mrs Padmini Ramesh and pranic healing to me and encouraged me to go and see her. When I met Mrs Ramesh and told her about my financial situation, the first thing she did was to give me back my confidence and will to live. She assured me that she will energize my finances so that I will be able to repay my loans. I came daily for the next 6 months to see her personally and get pranic healing for myself and my finances.

In March 2007, I got into a new business partnership that generated a larger income for me so that I was able to pay back 50% (= 7 of 14)of the loans. I was also amazed to see that none of the creditors was pressurizing me to pay back the outstanding amounts. It seemed that everybody was very patiently waiting for me to do the repayment whenever I was able to do so.

In 2007 I participated in all pranic healing courses offered by Mrs Ramesh to educate myself about suble energies and how to use them for healing and energizing purposes.
Since 2008 I have signed up for the monthly business maintenance service with Mrs Ramesh to make sure that my business is evolving and prospering continuously and effortlessly.

I am very grateful to Mrs Ramesh for everything she did for me since November 2006. She is truly my teacher, advisor and patron.

Mr Sharath Kumar
Chennai, India

I had a heart attack in January 2009 and came to Mrs Padmini Ramesh for pranic healing a month later (February).

I got daily treatments for the first month, then on alternate days. Pranic healing helped me so much to recover from my heart attack as well as insomnia and depression. It reduced the fever I was encountering during the recovery period and balanced all body functions including my emotions.

I am so very thankful to pranic healing and Mrs Padmini Ramesh to have put me back on my feet again in such a short time.

Mr V. K. Jain
Chennai, India

For 30 years my father was angry. Screaming, yelling, demanding. I called him the high chair tyrant because he behaved like a 3 year old child if he didn't get his way. Obviously, our relationship was strained. It got worse when my mother died because he felt deprived of the sweetness in his life. He blamed, accusing me of all sorts of horrid things that grumpy old men scream about. I just spent less and less time with him - which was the opposite of what he wanted.

Then a friend told me About Pranic Healing from India and so, Padmini Ramish and her pranic healers entered our lives. My father got Pranic Healing initially for one month which had amazing results. He began expressing himself by talking, speaking, saying how he felt. He became more reflective, stating his errors in life, apologizing, asking to make amends. He became very very sweet. Twinkling eyes, teasing, charming - sort of like the 18 year old boy my mother described falling in love with. I spend much more time with him which makes him very very happy.

I only wish I had known Padmini and Pranic Healing 30 years ago. The lives of my whole family would have been very very different.

There is no excuse for another stressful Christmas or holiday - Padmini and her Pranic Healers can tenderize the family relations!

I would not wait a minute to have Pranic Healing on my life.

Mrs. Diane Cotman
Michigan, USA

We got introduced to Super Brain Yoga in one of the Pranic Healing Sessions. Since the introduction and consistent practice it has had a significant impact on my ability to think on my feet and get a good grasp of the any situation. The decision making speed has gone up tremendously and this has contributed a lot to my output both professionally and personally. Colleagues and family have reacted positively to this "quick pace" of work and this has led to an overall increase in satisfaction levels both at home and in the office.

Super Brain Yoga has made my child look at studies in an energetic and enthusiastic manner. He is now topping his class. This has never happened in the last seven years of his schooling.

Mr Sagar Narsian
Mumbai, India

My health deteriorated after the delivery of my second child in 1988. I got severe headaches which turned into severe migraine attacks. These attacks were so strong that I could not stand a bit of light around me - I was staying in dark rooms only. I could only do the minimum work for my 2 little children and husband as I also started to have severe body pain. The doctor diagnosed arthritis, swollen joints and severe sinusitis. My energy level was very low and I could not move my head at all - I was in pain for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I had no social life as I was not able to leave the house, be in the light and move around. I could not even laugh out loud as this caused me immediate headaches. Then, depression set in. Visitors who came to the house could only talk to me about possible medical treatments which were discussed with my husband who is a medical doctor. All the recommended treatments did not help me at all.

In 1995, 7 years after my health started to deteriorate, a childhood friend visited me after many years and was shocked to see me in this state of poor health. She told me that she had read about a no touch therapy called pranic healing and wanted me to try it out. I did not believe a word of what she was saying and I did not want to participate in any therapy any more. But my friend was very insistent and basically dragged me to the nearest pranic healing center in town. The healer who was assigned to me, was a 20 year old woman who effortlessly managed to release my headaches by more than 50% within 3 sessions only. I was so surprised about this success that I decided to do the basic workshop on pranic healing over the following weekend. During the workshop, the teacher was healing me whenever I got bouts of headaches. I successfully completed the first workshop on pranic healing and immediately decided that I wanted to become a healer myself and therefore, continued with more workshops. In the cause of doing these workshops, I applied my newly acquired skills to myself and others simultaneously with great success. I cured myself of the remaining 50%. Within a month of having completed the necessary classes, I set up the Pranic Healing Home and started my new life as a pranic (energy) healer. There is no looking back for me. The transformation that happened to me was dramatic: I felt very empowered and realized that there is no need to suffer and be helpless as we have the power in our hands.

Mrs Padmini Ramesh
Chennai, India

In October 2007, my husband left the family and never returned. I was devastated and felt completely lost. I was screaming at everybody and everything because I had no control over myself anymore. My 2 sons were fed up with the situation they were facing, i.e. the father had left and the mother was not herself any more. I did not know how to face the world and became isolated. I did not dare to speak to anybody about what had happened to me and my children. I became very violent and aggressive, losing my temper all the time. I just could not handle myself anymore.

In May 2008, my sister told me About Pranic Healing and took me to meet Mrs Padmini Ramesh. Mrs Ramesh started healing me for the next 3 months. I came every day to her to participate in the meditation. I got encouraged by the healers to learn pranic healing myself which I did over the following months. The daily healing I received helped me to calm down, face facts and open up to the world again, loving my life as it is. Both of my children are also very happy in seeing me back in balance.

I am so thankful to pranic healing and Mrs Ramesh that I decided to become a healer myself as I want to help people in similar situations.

Mrs. Neetha Sablok
Chennai, India
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