I had taken several loans that I was unable to pay back. With Pranic Healing, I got into a new business partnership that generated a larger income for me so that I was able to pay back loans.
Understand the magical power of Mother Earth’s precious gifts
A crystal is a subtle energy condenser. This means that it can absorb, store, project and focus subtle energies. In a certain sense, it is just like a rechargeable battery that can absorb, store and release electrical energy.
In Pranic Crystal Healing, you will learn how to harness the power of Mother Earth's precious gifts, crystals and gem stones, which you can use to enhance your healing ability, spirituality and prosperity.
Among the topics covered:
Programming crystals for healing
Increasing your healing power by 200 times or more by using special crystals.
Extracting negative emotions and diseased energies from your aura quickly and easily.
Creating personal barriers and shields so that you don’t absorb your patients’ diseased energies when healing.
Consecrating crystals to make them more powerful by 1000 percent or more.
Consecrating rings, pendants and jewelry to attract good health and prosperity for your loved ones and business associates.
Using crystals as protective amulets against psychic attacks
Learning which crystals and stones are appropriate for which purposes.
Using the colored pranic energies of color crystals for facilitating rapid healing.
Learning why wearing the wrong crystals or gems could cause financial hardships.
Learning why wearing certain crystals or gems could draw a psychic attack to you.
Learning the five factors that determine the real potency of a crystal.
Become super-powerful using Nature’s special gifts …
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